USHJA Outreach Program
What are the Hunter/Jumper membership opportunities available to riders and horse owners?
USHJA (United States Hunter Jumper Association) and USEF (United States Equestrian Federation) are the two main horse and rider organizations for the H/J industry in the US. USHJA has expanded its reach to share member benefits with riders (and horses) that prefer local shows to traveling long distances to compete. This gives opportunities to experience showmanship in the recognized show arena by participating in what USHJA is calling their Outreach Program.
USHJA Outreach membership gives riders and horse owner’s opportunities to accrue points at designated non-rated Outreach Affiliate shows.
- Competitors can accrue points by participating in Outreach Shows inside or outside of their Zone Standings :: USHJA
- Idaho residents are in Zone 9 (riders and horses are competing for points against other riders and horses in WA, MT, WY, OR, ID)
- Outreach points can only be accrued by participating in USHJA Outreach classes; USHJA classes do not count toward Outreach points
- Points go towards year end rider and horse National Championship in several classes
- Horses and Riders are then nominated to participate in the USHJA Outreach National Championships in their respective classes
- USHJA Outreach Membership is free to all affiliate members (BSJC members)
USHJA Rated Show points are accrued by participating at USHJA Rated Shows. They are calculated by Zone for rider and horse of the year (HOTY) and USHJA National Hunter and/or Jumper Championships.
- Idaho residents are in Zone 9 (riders and horses are competing for points against other riders and horses in WA, MT, WY, OR, ID)
- Points go towards year end rider and horse awards Zone HOTY :: USHJA
- Zone points accrued can also count toward National points Zones | United States Hunter Jumper Association (
USEF (United States Equestrian Federation) – offers an Equestrian Athlete Program for students; US Equestrian Interscholastic Athlete
- What separates BSJC local point standings from USHJA Rated Show and Outreach Show point systems?
- BSJC points are only accrued and tracked at BSJC sponsored shows/events held in Idaho
- USHJA Outreach points are accrued by attending Outreach affiliate shows, and participating in Outreach classes. Classes must specify Outreach
- USHJA HOTY and National Championship points are accrued by participating at USEF/USHJA RATED shows
- How can I ensure I am accruing points at the BSJC and USHJA Rated and Outreach affiliate shows?
Competitors planning to compete at BSJC, USHJA Outreach, or USHJA Rated Shows, should join BSJC and or USHJA prior to competing or participating at any show for each competing year. BSJC points are accumulated each calendar year, and USHJA points, including USHJA Outreach points are accumulated according to Zone, within the Competition Year dating December 1st to November 30th of the following year.
- Become a member of BSJC to compete towards year end awards and to receive many other benefits ($35 individuals, $10 each additional horse, $50 family) BECOME A MEMBER - Boise Saddle and Jump Club
- Becoming a USHJA member ($75 per year) – Automatic eligibility for USHJA Outreach Shows Membership | USHJA - The United States Hunter Jumper Association
- Become a member of USHJA Outreach Program (Free) Membership | USHJA - The United States Hunter Jumper Association ) – no other membership is required
- Become a USEF member and realize benefits across many equestrian disciplines – free Outreach
- Young riders can become a USEF Interscholastic Athlete | US Equestrian (
All riders and trainers MUST be active members of USEF and USHJA to compete at any rated show. Riders (over the age of 18) and trainers must also complete a Safe Sport course and test each competition year. Safe Sport | US Equestrian (
For a complete list of the rules, please click the link below. usef-rulebook
- Why should I consider BSJC, USHJA, or USEF membership?
Club memberships of any kind bring benefits beyond the show ring. However, participating in horse show competitions add a layer of recognition, and accomplishment.
- Highly recommended by advisors to include on college and employment applications
- Helps gain collegiate riding team recognition and/or help with meeting NCAA qualifications
- Represents strong follow through and participation in outside interests
- Why should I compete in an Outreach competition?
Outreach offers many benefits for competitors. First, USHJA Outreach membership is FREE. Riders, trainers and USHJA registered horses are able to earn points by competing in designated classes. There are awards and rewards available in each section in each Zone. Ribbons, swag, apparel and competition opportunities at USHJA National Championship are available.
Outreach memberships also allow individuals access to USHJA’s wide variety of programs and educational opportunities, many of which do not require horse ownership. Members can also apply for scholarships and grants to further their equine and academic goals.
- How are points determined?
Riders: Riders must be an Outreach member (or higher) on or before the first day of competition to accrue rider points. Outreach membership is free.
Horses: Horses must also be registered with USHJA for points to be tracked.
Trainers: Trainers of riders participating in the USHJA Outreach Program wishing to be recognized for year-end awards and recognition must be a USHJA Outreach member or higher on or before the first day of competition.
At least three entries must complete the class for points to count.
Points are awarded on a flat scale as follows:
1st place – 10 points
2nd place – 6 points
3rd place – 4 points
4th place – 2 points
5th place – 1 point
6th place – ½ point - How are year-end awards determined?
Rewards and awards are based on rider or horse participation across any USHJA Outreach classes. A rider or a horse may accumulate points throughout any or all of the classes, allowing for participation across the many facets of the Hunter, Jumper and Equitation competitions.
- What Awards and Rewards are available?
Rewards will be given by USHJA Zone in each Outreach Hunter, Jumper or Equitation section. Rewards for competing in any USHJA Outreach Class (Hunter, Equitation, Jumper) will be based on total points earned as follows:- Bronze Level: riders or horses must earn at least 50-74 points during the competition year
- Silver Level: riders or horses must earn at least 75-99 points during the competition year
- Gold Level: riders or horses must earn at least 100 points during the competition year
Riders: Riders achieving a Bronze, Silver or Gold point level will be eligible to redeem their points at year-end for items of their choice: USHJA logo wear, Bronze, Silver or Gold Outreach ribbons or Outreach medallions.
Horses: Owners of horses achieving a Bronze, Silver, or Gold point level will be eligible to redeem their points at year-end for items of their choice: USHJA logo wear, Bronze, Silver or Gold Outreach stall plates or ribbons.
Trainers: Outreach Trainers will be recognized by USHJA Zone for year-end awards. At year-end, the trainer with the highest cumulative total earned USHJA Outreach Class points associated with Outreach members they train will be recognized as the USHJA Outreach Class High Point Trainer and, with a minimum of 100 points earned during the competition year, will be awarded a USHJA Zone Outreach Program High Point Trainer jacket.Riders: The rider achieving Gold Level status with the highest number of points from each Zone by September 15 will be awarded the “Golden Back Stage Pass”, which includes an opportunity to attend the USHJA National Championships. These riders will be invited to participate in the Grand Prix Show Jumping and Hunter Derby course walks, participate in educational sessions, and be given the opportunity to compete at the USHJA National Championships in the Affiliate Championship sections.
Horses: Registered horses will have their Outreach points tracked and ranked within the USHJA Zone. Results will be displayed on the USHJA website.